Yoga for BeginnersThese are very useful to beginners, who want to start doing yoga but don't have any experience of yoga or any other exercise.Our body has several joints, which need lubrication and movements. The food we have supplies lubrication. Yoga and other activities provide the necessary movements In our everyday life some of these joints are overused and some are rarely used. This may create problems at later stage in your life. To help these joints remain healthy basic movements are necessary. They are also useful to prepare your body for Yoga. Prerequisites for Yoga Yoga Positions or Asanas
Yogasana system is the 3rd limb in Ashtanga Yoga. Yogasanas help us achieve physical health, control over mind and power of concentration. Yoga is different from exercise since it does not involve speedy movements. Instead its movements are very slow and steady. Yoga helps achieve relaxation, which in turn reduces stress & strain. Also, since very few calories are consumed during Yogasana practice, metabolism rate of the body also drops. This means slowed down aging process. Also, as a result of Yoga practise, less food is required since digestive power is increased. Yoga WorkoutSun Salutation – Surya Namaskar Standing PosturesAlways stand erect with your feet close together, heels and the big toes touching each other. Hands should be touching your thighs. This position helps achieve pulse stability. - Tadasana
- Trikonasana
- Parivritta Trikonasana
- Vrikshasana
Sitting PosturesIn the sitting position, both legs should be together and stretched, toes erect, spine erect. Also both hands should be straight and palms resting on the floor. - Sukhasana
- Janu Sirshasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Gomukhasana
Supine PosturesHere you have to lie down on the back with legs together, straight extended, toes erect and hands straight with palms resting on the floor. - Purvottanasana
- Noukasana
- Matsyasana
- Pavanamuktasana
Prone PosturesIn this position you must lie down with your chest and abdomen and chin on the floor. Both hands should be lying besides your thighs, with palms resting on the floor. - Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Bhujangasana
- Shalabhasana
- Dhanurasana
Inverted PosturesIn this position you first lie on your back then go into the poses. - Viparitakarani
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
Beginners Yoga Poses For KidsFrom stress management (believe it or not, children have to deal with stress, as well) to improved concentration to superior health, Yoga poses for kids help them in numerous ways. The point for Yoga for children is for them to enjoy.
- If you practise Yoga, why not get your children involved too? You don’t have to drag them along to a class for grown-ups. Most likely, there they will not be encouraged to continue practising.
Popularity of Yoga for kids is increasing, by the day. These techniques are designed for kids with energy, so be careful, yet pay attention. It will help your children start healthy habits for life.
For beginners Yoga poses for kids, start by telling them sit or lie down with their hands on their bellies. This way they will be able to feel their abdomens move. This exercise helps kids hook up to their breathing. Persuade the kids to suck the stomach in on every inhalation and drive it out on every exhalation. Then turn around the movements – so drive the stomach out on the inhalation and suck it in on the exhalation.
After that teach them the following poses:
- Tadasana – Mountain Pose
- Vrikshasana (1) – Tree Pose
- Trikonasana – Triangle Pose
- Uttanasana – Hand to Foot Pose
- Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose
- Halasana – Plough Pose
- Viparitakarani – Inverted Leg Stretch Pose
- Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose
- Ushtrasana – Camel Pose
- Marichyasana - Sage Marichi Twist Pose.
- Naukasana – Boat Pose
- Matsyasana – Fish Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Pose
- Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
- Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
- Vrikshasana (2) – Balancing Tree Pose
If you're trying to find a great way to absorb the minds and bodies of your children, yoga is the ideal solution.
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